Serving microchurches with a huge library of leadership videos.

Serving microchurches with a huge library of discipleship Bible study leadership videos.

Disciple members.
Develop leaders.

We exist to support churches in the discipleship of believers and in the development of leaders—including microchurches like yours. Our streaming library of over 25,000 Bible study videos is full of resources for church leaders, men, women, families, and kids.

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Many RightNow Media Original series include free, comprehensive study guides to complement the video sessions and facilitate discussion.


There’s something for every person in your church—from books of the Bible and Christian living to marriage, parenting, mental health, leadership, and more.


The video series in our library are vetted and taught by respected, credible pastors and Christian leaders around the world.

Fun & Engaging

Equip your families to disciple their kids with access to more than 2,000 safe and engaging videos that teach biblical lessons.

Why RightNow Media

We’re here to help your microchurch thrive. Here’s how:


Subscribe Once for Everyone

When you subscribe, your account provides everyone in your microchurch with access to our full streaming library of more than 25,000 videos.


Access Unlimited Discipleship Resources

You know what your microchurch family needs. Our diverse library of resources includes Bible study videos, access to the Bible, and thoughtful discussion guides that will make it easier for your members to be discipled and to disciple.


Stay Connected All Week

Our app is designed with meaningful community in mind. Bring your microchurch conversations inside the app—plan upcoming gatherings, share prayer requests, and continue Bible engagement discussions. This app will help to deepen relationships in your microchurch.


View Content Anytime, Anywhere

Download the RightNow Media app on your smartphone, Apple TV, Roku, or Fire TV. Use additional features like audio-only mode and offline playback to access RightNow Media anytime, anywhere.

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Maximize your discipleship efforts with unlimited access to videos and resources for everyone in your microchurch.

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Join more than 1,000 microchurches and house churches who are already using RightNow Media.

“Since launching RightNow Media to our church, I have found that people are interacting and staying connected with the Word throughout the week—people that may not have done so on their own.”

Derek Jackson
Pastor, East Bay Bible Church
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“Our woman’s ministry was having a really big issue with trying to find new things to discuss, new topics to go to. With RightNow Media we were able to find a lot of information on women for a bible study.”

Derek Jackson
Pastor, East Bay Bible Church
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“Our families have really been using it for their younger kids. We have planned a few different studies and several kids have already gone through them several times at home on their own time.”

Chad DeGonia
Senior Pastor, Servant’s Church
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Unlimited access for up to 25 people
25,000+ biblical videos
2,000+ kids’ shows and episodes
Customizable channels and pages
Access to Bible study resources
Access to communication tools
Billed Yearly
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Unlimited access for up to 25 people
25,000+ biblical videos
2,000+ kids’ shows and episodes
Customizable channels and pages
Access to Bible study resources
Access to communication tools
Save $25 a year with annual billing

Got Questions?

Will there be an attendee choir this year?

Yes, we will be doing an attendee choir as part of Friday morning’s worship set. Those wanting to participate in the choir will meet on Wednesday evening right after day 1 concludes for a light dinner and rehearsal, then will perform with the band on Friday morning. Additional details will be given during conference week.

Will the conference sessions be available on RightNow Media?

If you miss the live event, you can still view all main sessions on RightNow Media through your account a few months after the conference. Worship, as well as a few of the special events done during the live event, will not be available on RightNow Media after the event.

Will I be able to attend the conference if I volunteer?

There is no guarantee that you will have access to the conference sessions as a volunteer.

When will the conference take place?

RightNow Conference will take place in person from Wednesday, November 1 to Friday, November 3, 2023.

Who can attend RightNow Conference?

RightNow Conference is for leaders who believe that the mission of the church matters. If you have any kind of leadership role in your church, then this is the conference for you. You may lead from a stage, the classroom, the home, or on the field. You may be on staff or a volunteer. If you want to inspire change in your church, then this is your conference.

Will RightNow Conference be livestreamed?

Unfortunately no. RightNow Conference will only be a live, in-person event this year. But you and your team will be able to watch the main sessions—without the worship sets—on RightNow Media several months after the conference.

Equip your microchurch anytime, anywhere with RightNow Media.

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